Since its creation and up to the present, The R+D+i developed by CEGEA has been fruitful. A large part of it has been carried out under the frame of research projects financied by agreement with entities or competitive calls from different Administrations, international organisms and institutions (FAO, OIT, CIRIEC, IAAER), scientific bodies, representative organizations (CIRIEC-España, AECA, CCAE, FECOAV, UTECO-Valencia, etc.), and some of the most important companies and associative groups of Spain. Their results have been published in indexed scientific journals as well as in professional guide books. Members of CEGEA usually take part in congresses and monographs, consolidating CEGEA’s reseach recognition.
All these efforts have been recognized by the National Commission for the Evaluation of Research Activity (CNEAI) with the award of more than twenty six-year research periods (sexenios de investigación).
In 2019 the research project “Sistemas de protección y explotación comercial de las innovaciones en el ámbito de las variedades vegetales (PROVEG) RTI2018-093666-B-I00”, was granted by MINECO/FEDER and it is being supervised by Professor Felipe Palau.
RED ENUIES is a network that links Spanish university centers and institutes that work on research of the social economy. It was promoted from CEGEA and its coordination relies on the Center.
Another element to highlight is the creation from CEGEA of the International Network ACCOOP (Research Network on Accounting for Cooperatives and Mutual Entities Research Network on Accounting for Cooperatives and Mutual Entities) that integrates researchers and professionals in the field of cooperative accounting.